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骨伤康复讨论区 今日: 0|主题: 565|排名: 38 

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预览 Meta-Analysis of PKP or PVP Combined with Acupuncture in the Treatment of Ost... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0625 yqw 2023-1-19 09:43
预览 Is acupuncture effective for knee osteoarthritis? A protocol for a systemat... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0589 yqw 2023-1-19 09:42
预览 Electro-acupuncture and its combination with adult stem cell transplantation... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0592 yqw 2023-1-19 09:41
预览 Analysis of the Efficacy of Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation Training... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0586 yqw 2023-1-19 09:32
预览 Acupuncture for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinic... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0569 yqw 2023-1-19 09:26
预览 An expert consensus to standardize acupuncture treatment for knee osteoarthri... attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0769 yuki 2022-4-1 00:23
预览 An expert consensus to standardize acupuncture treatment for knee osteoarthri... attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0792 yuki 2022-4-1 00:18
预览 Acupuncture of different treatment frequency in knee osteoarthritis attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0773 yuki 2022-4-1 00:15
预览 Acupuncture reduces pain in rats with osteoarthritis by inhibiting MCP2CCR2 s... attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0752 yuki 2022-4-1 00:12
预览 Acupuncture Decreased the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Patients with Ost... attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0743 yuki 2022-4-1 00:11
预览 Acupuncture Therapy in a Group Setting for Chronic Pain attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0775 yuki 2022-4-1 00:09
预览 Is acupuncture effective for knee osteoarthritis A protocol for a systematic ... attachment yuki 2022-4-1 0787 yuki 2022-4-1 00:07
预览 Effectiveness of manual and electrical needle stimulation in acupuncture for ... attachment 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 01185 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 17:03
预览 Effects of intensity of electroacupuncture on chronic pain in patients with k... attachment 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 01151 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 17:00
预览 深刺阿是穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症 attachment myh210275 2020-9-24 01670 myh210275 2020-9-24 18:29
预览 斜扳法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的Meta分析 attachment myh210275 2020-9-24 01496 myh210275 2020-9-24 18:27
预览 邵氏手法配合针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症50例 attachment myh210275 2020-9-24 01632 myh210275 2020-9-24 18:24
预览 简化侧后方入路椎间孔镜技术治疗腰椎间盘突出症近期疗效观察 attachment myh210275 2020-9-24 01613 myh210275 2020-9-24 18:22
预览 小针刀治疗腰椎间盘突出症的Meta分析 attachment myh210275 2020-9-24 01572 myh210275 2020-9-24 18:19
预览 刮痧对腰椎间盘突出症模型大鼠神经损伤的保护作用 attachment myh210275 2020-5-5 01757 myh210275 2020-5-5 22:28
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