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Efficacy of contralateral acupuncture in women with migraine without aura: ...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0614 yqw 2023-1-19 09:40
Efficacy of acupuncture in subpopulations with functional constipation: A pro...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 yqw 2023-1-19 0427 yqw 2023-1-19 09:39
Effects of Acupuncture in Ischemic Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Contro...attachment 中风康复医学区 yqw 2023-1-19 0413 yqw 2023-1-19 09:38
Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Anxiety Among Patients With Parkinson Diseas...attachment 神经精神疾病区 yqw 2023-1-19 0371 yqw 2023-1-19 09:37
Effect of Acupuncture for Mixed Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic R...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 yqw 2023-1-19 0442 yqw 2023-1-19 09:35
Clinical Effects of Acupuncture for Stroke Patients Recoveryattachment 中风康复医学区 yqw 2023-1-19 0403 yqw 2023-1-19 09:34
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture at ST36 Point: A Literature Review i...attachment 免疫相关疾病区 yqw 2023-1-19 0349 yqw 2023-1-19 09:33
Analysis of the Efficacy of Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation Training...attachment 骨伤康复讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0483 yqw 2023-1-19 09:32
Acupuncture Reduces the Risk of Dysphagia in Stroke Patients: A Propensity Sc...attachment 中风康复医学区 yqw 2023-1-19 0419 yqw 2023-1-19 09:29
Acupuncture for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with dry eye: protoco...attachment 眼耳鼻喉讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0414 yqw 2023-1-19 09:27
Acupuncture for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinic...attachment 骨伤康复讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0473 yqw 2023-1-19 09:26
Acupuncture for chronic sciatica: protocol for a multicenter randomised con...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0564 yqw 2023-1-19 09:25
Acupuncture and its efect on cytokine and chemokine proflesin seasonal allerg...新人帖 attachment 眼耳鼻喉讨论区 yqw 2023-1-19 0408 yqw 2023-1-19 09:21
Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture versus standard care for pelvic and low bac...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0489 WTW 2023-1-19 01:37
Acupuncture in chronic aspecific low back pain: a Bayesian network meta-analysis 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0284 WTW 2023-1-19 01:33
Hegu acupuncture for chronic low-back pain: a randomized controlled trialattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0500 WTW 2023-1-19 01:28
Effect of hand-ear acupuncture on chronic low-back pain: a randomized control...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0288 WTW 2023-1-19 01:27
Acupuncture treatment: multidimensional assessment of low back pain in pregna...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0503 WTW 2023-1-19 01:22
Effectiveness of MA and EA for Chronic Non-specific 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0482 WTW 2023-1-19 01:19
Effect of acupuncture on brain regions modulation of mild cognitive impairmen...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-1-19 0445 longhualsy 2023-1-19 01:15
Acupuncture for chronic nonspecific low back painattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-19 0482 WTW 2023-1-19 01:06
The complex relationship between genotype, pathology and phenotype in familia...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-1-19 0425 longhualsy 2023-1-19 01:02
Acupuncture May Be a Potential Complementary Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-1-19 0453 longhualsy 2023-1-19 00:57
Effect of acupuncture and metformin on insulin sensitivity in women with poly... 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-19 0209 WTW 2023-1-19 00:50
Bromo-protopine, a novel protopine derivative, alleviates tau pathology by ac...新人帖 attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-1-19 0425 longhualsy 2023-1-19 00:48
Effect of Electro-acupuncture on Expression of IRS-1/PI3K/GLUT4 Pathway in Ov...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-19 0343 WTW 2023-1-19 00:47
Acupuncture for polycystic ovarian syndromeattachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-19 0410 WTW 2023-1-19 00:29
Effects of acupuncture for the treatment of endometriosis-related pain: A sys...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-19 0400 WTW 2023-1-19 00:06
Acupuncture and herbal medicine for female infertility: an overview of system...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-18 0410 WTW 2023-1-18 23:48
The efficacy and mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of male infertilit...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-18 0429 WTW 2023-1-18 23:28
Acupuncture for Female Infertility: Discussion on Action Mechanism and Applic...attachment 泌尿生殖妇科区 WTW 2023-1-18 01611 WTW 2023-1-18 23:15
Acupuncture for nasal congestion in COVID-19: A protocol for systematic revie...attachment 呼吸疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-18 0473 WTW 2023-1-18 22:29
针刺治疗新冠肺炎患者呼吸困难:一项系统评价和荟萃分析方案attachment 呼吸疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-18 0412 WTW 2023-1-18 22:29
针刺在新冠肺炎后综合征多学科治疗中的应用attachment 呼吸疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-18 0489 WTW 2023-1-18 22:24
针灸治疗肿瘤研究的现状与趋...viewer的文献计量分析_李丽玲attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 01929 李辉 2023-1-18 22:15
针灸治疗抑郁症的临床作用特点及相关研究进展分析_胥琨attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0692 李辉 2023-1-18 22:14
针灸治疗帕金森病取穴规律分析_于楠楠attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 01941 李辉 2023-1-18 22:14
针灸治疗肠易激综合征的机制研究进展_齐翎羽attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0808 李辉 2023-1-18 22:13
针灸治疗变应性鼻炎网状Meta分析_孙忠人attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0678 李辉 2023-1-18 22:12
基于数据挖掘技术探讨针灸治疗阳痿的选穴规律_周鑫attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0633 李辉 2023-1-18 22:10
基于数据挖掘技术探讨针灸治疗肩周炎的选穴规律_李会会attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0633 李辉 2023-1-18 22:09
基于复杂网络探析针灸治疗偏头痛的腧穴配伍规律_韩鹏attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0679 李辉 2023-1-18 21:59
基于肠道菌群探讨针灸治疗帕金森病睡眠障碍研究进展_李慎微attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0706 李辉 2023-1-18 21:58
基于生物信息学/网络拓扑分析针刺治疗新冠肺炎相关症状的疗效attachment 呼吸疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-1-18 0382 WTW 2023-1-18 21:56
基于文献计量的针灸病谱与适宜病症研究_黄琴峰attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 01798 李辉 2023-1-18 21:53
火针治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛有效性 和安全性的系统评价attachment 学习资源 chenyaoxin 2023-1-18 0424 chenyaoxin 2023-1-18 21:53
针灸治疗失眠作用机制探讨_刘思然attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0516 李辉 2023-1-18 21:52
针灸治疗肠易激综合征的机制研究进展attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0521 李辉 2023-1-18 21:51
Acupuncture for neuropathic pain in adults (Review)attachment 学习资源 chenyaoxin 2023-1-18 0464 chenyaoxin 2023-1-18 21:50
孙申田教授针灸治疗周围性面瘫临床经验撷要_祝鹏宇attachment 医学研究资源共享 李辉 2023-1-18 0485 李辉 2023-1-18 21:49


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